View Full Version : vbGarage?

07-08-2006, 06:27 PM
Would there be any chance of getting a vbGarage in the future? Just for ****s and giggles, and to get a view indepth of other member's f-bodies. I dunno, just a suggestion. I've been thinking about posting this a while ago and forgot about it, then I went on TGO and saw they got the same ****.

Just a question/opinion

07-09-2006, 12:15 AM
Yes, I have been watching the development of vBGarage pretty closely. The original vBGarage has been ported over to 3.5, but it's kinda crappy (IMO). There are a few people working together on a new version that promises to be much better, so I've been holding out.

Look for it in the (hopefully) near future.

- Justin