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Wasted Youth 10-28-2004 04:00 PM

Bad News
Monday night i was traveling thru the parking lot at my job on my bike when an off duty police officer turned left acrossed my lane....not stopping or even looking first....and hit me knocking my off my bike and into a coma...since all police officers stick together...they managed to give me a reckless ticket when i woke up from a coma, saying i was traveling at a very high rate of speed...in a parking lot...which i would be asking to die...i just got out of the hospital late last night and i am pretty messed up...my bike was a month old and costed around $18k...it is demolished...not fixable in the slightest, i only had liability on it...and i have a $100k hospital bill I have to pay...i need an awesome lawyer to be able to cover the cost of the bike and the medical bills...i had a witness which was another off duty police officer until he found out the person who cut me off was an officer, now he will not testify against another officer...the officer who hit me even came to the hospital to see me and admitted he never saw me coming and it was his fault....i am so screwed it is unimaginable...police never even asked my side of the story...just waited for me to become conscious to ticket me...i have pics of myself and the bike but dont know how to attach them..

j0n 10-28-2004 04:09 PM

:shock: omg dude thats such ********...specially if he admits it was his fault...and they gave you a 5 point ticket!?!?....and he knocked you into a coma!?!? and the other ****er refuses to testify!?!?!?! cmon theres gotta be some way u can force him to testify...and that ****er owes ur ****ing hospital bills...i hate cops sometimes :evil:

NJSPEEDER 10-28-2004 04:25 PM

that really sucks.
i say call a lawyer asap and get him on it. they can recontruct the accident scene and prove who was traveling at what speeds.
at least you are gonna be ok, you can find ways to make money and replace cars/bikes/whatever.


AliWantsNss 10-28-2004 05:10 PM

Marc, Im glad you are OK. Anything I can do to help you, Im here for you.

SpeakersGoBoom 10-28-2004 05:37 PM

I'll talk to my dad. He's a cop too, but if theres something you can do, he'll tell me and ill get back to you. there may actually be a way to make the witness testify, but like i said, im not sure. ill get back to you asap

Wasted Youth 10-28-2004 05:56 PM

the officer may lie, they even went as far to only take witnesses saying what they wanted to hear...witnesses that would say i did nothing wrong they told to sit down and shut up...i could get a nurse from the hospital who saw the officer visit me and get her in...and the cop told my friends sister what happened and we could get here in to say what the cop said and that he said he wont get involved against another officer...

Oddball 10-28-2004 06:17 PM

Forensics should tell the story. They can tell speeds from tire marks and the patterns in the damage, assuming the cops don't have the car fixed without documenting the damage on it. If you were traveling "fast" on the bike you should be able to see clear horizontal scratches in the front of the cop (I'm assuming he "t-boned you"). If you were driving slow there would just be impact marks.

Given the mass differential between a bike and car tire tracks may not say much, however the final resting place of the bike will. Again, you miving at high speeds the bike will be to the side and front of the car. If you were traveling slow it will be relatively in front.

Good luck and I hope you recover both physically and mentally.

foff667 10-28-2004 07:41 PM

two words, hostile witness...they should be able to bring the off duty cop to the stand...if he lies on the stand its purgery and hes setting himself up for jail time. Just a thought. Sorry to hear about your luck and hope you get better soon.

Ian 10-28-2004 07:55 PM

I'm really glad to hear that you're alright. That is one ****ed up situation you are in right now, I'm really sorry about your luck. I hope it turns around for you soon.

Tru2Chevy 10-28-2004 08:18 PM

OMG! Glad to hear that you are ok man.

I agree with Oddball - forensics will reveal the truth. Get a lawyer ASAP, and get well.

Keep us updated on yourself and the case.

- Justin

Fasterthanyou 10-28-2004 09:09 PM

From what you've said happened I'd come up with a script for "Law and Order." I really can't stand cops without morals. Something about having to answer to God when it's all over brings out the truth in anybody. I had the SAME thing happen over a year ago with a friend only the biker rear ended us... he tried to say that it didn't hit my friends car. The first cop on the scene was giving my friend and I (and the 2 other passengers) an attitude about how we shouldn't lie about the damaged bumper. I told the cop that he whould have to be an idiot to think that the yellow paint on my friends bumper didn't match the yellow paint on the bike! I went on to tell him that we only stopped BECAUSE we got hit otherwise we couldn't have felt the bike hit. He was cursing left and right until the ambulance came and another cop showed up. The squid lied to the cop and the cop was believing him....The other cop was calm and took EVERYBODY's phone numbers down, including people that were watching the cop make a big stink about conflicting stories.
I guess some cops are good, others are bad :( . I hope things work out for ya in the short and long run.

Wasted Youth 10-28-2004 09:36 PM

the hit was the front wheel and side of the front bumper....it s*cked...bad....

DaytonaDan 10-28-2004 11:24 PM

woah dude that sucks ass, i'm sorry to hear that happened, but all the suggestions in the forum are pretty good ideas, my advice, get the media involved...call up ABC or NBC or something and tell them your story and see if they will write up a story. There was a teacher in my area that got introuble because she had a picture of Bush on her desk and wouldnt take it down and blah blah blah you may have seen the story but she went to the media within hours of being asked to leave and within two days she had a job back and wutnot, it might be helpful to atleast inquire. they have those stupid foxtroppers (or wutever the hell they are called) where they specialize in exploiting situations like yours.

GrandmasterCow 10-28-2004 11:33 PM

ouch man, sorry to hear that. yeah, you should definately talk to a lawyer and get some advice on this situation.

ProtekYoNutz 10-29-2004 12:01 AM

ouch glad to hear u r ok tho!!! good luck wit the lawyer and things....feel better!

BigAls87Z28 10-29-2004 01:13 AM

Holy **** man...thats insane.

Deffinatly get a Lawyer right now. I dont know of any off the top of my head. Where as this?

Make sure you take pictures of exactly where you were when you got hit, and the angle the cop car was at when he hit you.
Im sure that the cops have cleaned off most of the car to try and cover up as best they can, any sort of thing that could get them in trouble.
Also, have the laywer find any other records on the cop about anything else.
Let us know when your court case is. Im sure we would all love to attend and support you.
This is beyond ****ed up. Glad you are a live man. Forget the bike. Its your life that you cant buy back.

Wasted Youth 10-29-2004 09:01 AM

i went today to find out where the car was...was supposed to be at surfside collision, went there and they said it should be there and it wasn't, went looking for it, and apparently they moved it somewhere else..

00BlackZ 10-29-2004 12:52 PM

That really sucks! Keepus posted on what happens, hopefully that ****er gets whats coming to him.

skorpion317 10-29-2004 01:08 PM

a lawyer can subpoena a witness, i believe.

jims69camaro 10-29-2004 05:02 PM

i am assuming you are in NJ, if so, give these guys a call:

stein, supsie and hoffman
1041 w. lacey road
po box 1070
forked river, nj 08721-6070


michael hoffman is my lawyer, he's awesome. i believe his firm covers cases like yours. give them a call and find out what they can do for you.

i think it friggen sucks this blue curtain the cops hide behind, each of them lying for the other. the nice thing about this part of the justice system is it doesn't use judges that have regular contact with police officers, so there is very little prejudice when it comes to cases that involve them as opposed to judges that speak with cops everyday.

my lawyer has done wonders for me, and he continues to do his best where my case is concerned. he got me a 65k settlement the first time around, knowing that he would be filing a re-opener (what we are waiting on now) and the cake would be even taller the second time around. all of my medical is covered, including $1500 in medicine per month, any surgery i need and monthly doctor visits so the doctor can keep a close eye on me as my injury was to my back and requires special attention. he has been instrumental in obtaining temporary disability benefits for me, every time i have been unable to work, and this last time when i was declared totally and completely disabled. i can't say enough about how he has handled my case - he has far exceeded my expectations.

if they ask how you heard about them, you can give my name if you want to: jim price.

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