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BonzoHansen 03-12-2020 09:41 AM

Fun times
So this is a ****ed up time, huh?

The NBA cancelling games is a huge to me. Dow is going to drop to at least 18,000. As a NJ resident that is going hammer the pension system. Not being political, its just simple math. This is going to have a long running ripple effect.

My son's college just extended spring break 1 week and the rest of the semester will be virtual. I already work at home.

What are you guys seeing or experiencing right now?

JL8Jeff 03-12-2020 11:08 AM

My "retirement" money has taken a good hit, even with most of it in conservative dividend funds. I have no plans of touching anything so it will go back up. I don't care about the NBA, but they should still play their games, just without people in the stands. Players are out there with the flu all the time. I just wish the media would stop overhyping things. This is not a disease that will wipe out half the population on the planet, so they need to chill out.

BonzoHansen 03-12-2020 12:21 PM

i think for the most part the goal is to spread this out and hope a lot of it burns out before it spreads and becomes a bigger deal and overwhelms the healthcare facilities. I think i get what they are trying to accomplish overall.


Its certainly a major concern for the elderly and people height other illnesses. It already ran roughshod through nursing homes in Washington. The fatality rate umongst those groups is quite high as these things go.

LS1ow 03-12-2020 12:39 PM

I have bad asthma and am super sensitive to anything respiratory(anyone that has slept in the same room as me here can verify) so ive been a little more diligent washing hands and interacting with people.

i can tell you one thing for sure, people are not afraid to go and get their car serviced in this time. We have been slammed. I guess its all the people with the "day off"

KirkEvil 03-12-2020 01:35 PM

I get that this is just another version of the Flu, but the infection rate is overwhelming healthcare systems making it dicey for babies and elderly... I also think the US was a little slow to react, now back pedaling hard seeing the explosion of cases in the EU. Look at the CDC website and brace for the number of cases in the US to mirror that 5X increase the EU had over the past 2 weeks.

Theres a pretty clear correlation between confirmed cases in the US and major airport locations. West coast got hit heavy first with people traveling from China and now east coast is picking up from the EU. Maybe the EU travel ban acts as a speed bump but confirmed infections are likely a fifth of actual carriers so I think this is going to get worse in the next 2-3 weeks before it pans out.

Eventually this will all quickly disappear like Ebola, SARS, and Zika scares. Those caused widespread panic and now you dont hear about anyone getting them.

JL8Jeff 03-12-2020 02:22 PM

It looks like all the sports are shutting down now.

sweetbmxrider 03-12-2020 03:18 PM

Made it back from Hawaii connecting through LA so far.....still another week technically. Been unemployed too so I guess that was good timing?

unstable bob gable 03-12-2020 04:51 PM

Smoking crack makes all the Coronavirus scares go away.

KirkEvil 03-12-2020 09:39 PM

UFC events are still on as scheduled, but there will be no audiences. Just fighting for the camera

LS1ow 03-13-2020 07:04 AM

golf, nascar and WWE live on as well.

Blackbirdws6 03-13-2020 08:30 AM

I have Gina reasonably quarantined for the time being but we will still see friends/family but take reasonable precautions. I will go to work unless told otherwise and just be mindful. My work is prepping a contingency plan for the state at the moment with many events being cancelled. We haven't seen the peak of this crap yet and yes, the financial repercussions are simply massive.

sweetbmxrider 03-13-2020 09:11 AM

Went to the grocery store last night for a couple things, people are nuts. Never seen it so busy so late and as already known, shelves were looking scarce. Oh media fueled panic and misconception.....

KirkEvil 03-13-2020 09:53 AM

My office is prepping for a likely shutdown and work from home next week. Also looking like work travel is going to get cancelled in early April. Coronavirus or not EWR sucks.

Wegmans was nuts. All the shelves of toilet paper and flour were emptied. People are ready to spend hundreds on Purell and lysol while bleach is fully stocked untouched lol

Still Looking like this is going to get worse over the next couple weeks. Doomsday maps and graphs:

CDC Coronavirus tracking

NYT Coronavirus tracking

NJ Coronavirus tracking

Blackbirdws6 03-13-2020 09:58 AM

Have a vacation to Jamaica planned for late April. I don't think the Carribean is seeing much impact but the airport isn't a good place to be. Good thing I bought the insurance....

BonzoHansen 03-13-2020 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Blackbirdws6 (Post 954267)
Have a vacation to Jamaica planned for late April. I don't think the Carribean is seeing much impact but the airport isn't a good place to be. Good thing I bought the insurance....

check the coverage, they were saying on the news a lot of insurance does not cover pandemics.

We are supposed to go to Disney in mid May

Blackbirdws6 03-13-2020 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by BonzoHansen (Post 954268)
check the coverage, they were saying on the news a lot of insurance does not cover pandemics.

We are supposed to go to Disney in mid May

Not overly concerned as with Gina's condition, she is always technically "sick" but I'll do my diligence and have my attorney review this as needed.

PolarBear 03-13-2020 12:10 PM

Oh man, they cancelled sports ball?

We've been told anyone that can work from home should work from home, all meetings are to be via conference call, no outside visitors to the company

My friend works for ADP, all employees are to work from home until further notice

I'm a critical employee so I am to report as normal and I am exempt from any state of emergency.

LS1ow 03-13-2020 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by PolarBear (Post 954270)

My friend works for ADP, all employees are to work from home until further

Tell your friend that his dealer operating system is terrible please, thanks.

PolarBear 03-13-2020 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by LS1ow (Post 954271)
Tell your friend that his dealer operating system is terrible please, thanks.

Dealer? I don't know what that means

V 03-13-2020 11:22 PM

My wife will be working from home now and my sons school is closed for 2 weeks, at least. My job as an electrician continues pretty much as normal. Service calls have dropped off noticeably but there's enough other work for us with renovations and new construction for us to not really be affected.

We'll see how long this whole thing lasts though. I'm hoping it's on the shorter side of the predictions , and not like 4+ months of this bs. I was wondering about the Island dragway swap meet though. Still on as of now.

Personally, the risk of getting sick doesn't bother me. Even if my wife or boys get sick. However, my mom and my wife's parents fall into the highest risk category so we have basically told them to stay home.

KevinW 03-14-2020 05:36 AM

my whole company is working from home, BUT, I have a new employee starting monday and have to be there for the HR session. I have to on board him and get him equipment before he can start working from home. crazy timing, but once I get him set up, I will work from home.

LTb1ow 03-14-2020 10:50 AM

I am still alive in st Thomas.

Will I get home? Who knows.

ar0ck 03-14-2020 11:49 AM

Working remotely this week myself, I feel like I saw this coming a few weeks ago and got ahead of the paranoia curve. I'm not worried about the virus as much as I am peoples uninformed reactions. Only time will tale.

JL8Jeff 03-14-2020 02:07 PM

We're about to jump into allergy season now so I wonder if this will make people mistake an allergy symptom for the virus.

wrong generation 03-14-2020 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by JL8Jeff (Post 954277)
We're about to jump into allergy season now so I wonder if this will make people mistake an allergy symptom for the virus.

Yes. Yes it will. My niece has allergies and sneezed during recess on thursday at school. And was immediately sent home.

Now her school is closed until the end of april. And the votc school that I've been doing to is closed until further notice.

As far as my job they have no plans on closing. But if everyone else isn't going to work. I'll be sitting in my office aimlessly lol.

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