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Old 02-08-2008, 10:44 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by edpontiac91 View Post
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! If you look at the women who who are voting for her, they just say "We Need A Women in the White House". They don't care about the background or if she's qualified, just that it's a WOMEN!. If anyone here remembers Margaret Thacher(from Great Britain during the Regan era), she was knowen as the "IRON LADY". It was her leadership that took care of the war in the Falklands and was a strong force in Europe. I could see a person like that in the White House, BUT NOT SOMEONE WHO HAS NO MILITARY EXPERIENCE OR FOREIGN POLICY. Bill had no issues to deal with during his terms, and was disliked by the military at the start of his president career. When he left his helicopter and walked past the Honor Guard, he did not know to return a SALUTE! Plus getting a little head under the OVAL OFFICE desk. Other then a few other dozen reasons I could come up with, I think it's a mockery of our election process that this is the BEST the DEMOCRAT party can come up with!
Um...Bush had NO military experience, or foreign policy, yet you right winngers voted him into office, talking about how awesome he was. I also remember the Republicans ripping into BOTH McCain and Kerry for thier service in Vietnam, and you ******** stood by your man as both of them were ripped apart.
Bill had no issues to deal with? Within a few months in office, he launched sevearl air attacks on Iraq as they were getting roudy.
He also had a little thing called the Bosnian Conflict in which we marched our army to stop somthing THAT WAS REAL! Somolia, Hatti any of that ring a bell?
The worst thing he got was a blow job and you are gunna hold that up to him while Bush LIED to us and invaded a soverign country UNDER FALSE PRETENSES!!
Clinton has amazing foriegn policy as was a respected world leader. His work in the middle east was his main focus, but since the republicans had a hard ont o findo ut all the girls he's ****ed since high school, his presidency is clouded.

Find me ONE bad thing about Hillary outside that she is a woman that makes her unfit for the job? Find me one reason that Obama would be better?
2/20/2013: They Day the ****s Stopped
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