Thread: bad f'n night
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Old 08-15-2008, 02:55 PM   #77
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First off, I'm really glad to see you're alright, Bubba.

Mike or any law enforcement, can you shine a little light on what can happen, since the police are trying to blame bubba? does he have to prove he wasn't driving to them? what kind of recourse does he have?
With an accident as severe as this one was, there most likely was a thorough accident investigation. Any cop worth his salt, especially one that investigates accidents, is going to know where Bubba was seated simply by matching the extra lumps on his head to the spiderwebbed glass. Not to mention that the way that steering wheel was bent, there's no way that his buddy doesn't have the imprint on his chest in the form of a matching bruise. The only thing I can see Bubba having to worry about is a ticket for letting someone who is under the influence of alcohol drive his car (IF that's even the case), which could probably be argued given his own intoxicated state. If his friend was drunk, and they prove it, then he's screwed. If they suspect DWI, I wouldn't be surprised if they took blood from his buddy while he was unconscious. An officer doesn't have to ask for blood samples; if the driver goes to the hospital, they just take them.

i hear being liquored up makes you more flexible in a crash so you kind of go with the forces rather than fight them and break your bones.
Correct. Alcohol is a barbituate; that is, it relaxes you. Too much alcohol drastically slows your reaction time. When you are sober and about to have an accident, you see it coming and reflexively tense up. This makes you more rigid and causes greater injury during a crash. Bubba most likely didn't have time to tense up and react to the crash; as such, he's not as badly hurt. Drunk or not, I'm amazed you're alive since you weren't wearing your seat belt. Get well soon, Bubba.
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