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Old 10-04-2004, 10:20 PM   #111
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Originally Posted by jims69camaro
ok, i had a point to make, but i think it's already been made.

this type of thing cannot just be thrown together and done at the drop of a hat. this was proven by the response (and lack thereof) given by those who had an interest in it. i agree with striking while the iron is hot, but there is also a process called Rockwell hardening that heats the metal over and over again until it will cut through anything - including other metals. i won't discuss this but this one time, that i am all for this and i will push to get it done, but we have many people's schedule to take into account and there is the issue of running off half-cocked that i'd rather not do again. if people had some time, even a few weeks, to plan their lives around this (yeah, some of them have lives) then i believe it will come together nicely.

patience is needed when developing any group-effort project. the reasons why i set the original goal for spring time are many, and scheduling was just one of them. i do not want to be outside in the freezing cold trying to keep a camera steady or, worse, trying to hold onto a wrench. if this project idea had happened earlier in the year, then i think we could've worked around a couple of brisk fall days rather than bitter cold winter.

ok, enough soapbox. i would like to have the preliminary stuff done first before we even get together to set the cameras up, or clean someone's garage out so we have someplace to film. it will happen so much smoother that way. i don't think anyone can disagree with that.

i will continue to push for this project, because i believe in it and i believe it can be something out of the ordinary - perhaps even moderately successful. like i said before, i will never get in the way of progress. and if i ever do, and i am not aware of it, i would appreciate it if others could point it out to me. that is, if we are ready to move forward.
Though my response may not indicate it, I do agree with not rushing things. I'm just afraid, hopefully without justification, that if we wait too long to get started, we could wind up with this thing falling apart. One thing I'm now sure of, neither you, or I, want to let this thing die, and with some time, and a bit of luck, we'll have a dynamite program . If you can, drop me an E-Mail, for instance, when you're up to a planning session, or other pre-production work on this project.
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