NJFBOA - Home of New Jersey's Camaros and Firebirds

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-   -   NJFBOA Member Location Map V2.0 (http://www.njfboa.org/forums/showthread.php?t=67585)

Anti_Rice_Guy 03-06-2017 10:28 AM

NJFBOA Member Location Map V2.0

Many years ago, we had a version of this map and due to attrition and new members, I wanted to start fresh. The site can appear a little complicated at first as there are many features, but placing a marker on the map is a pretty straightforward process.

How to place a marker on the map:

- Click one of the above links to get to the NJFBOA Map (either works)
- At the top of the map click on the "Additions" tab, and choose "Add Marker - Simple" from the drop down list.
- The key required for you to place a marker is "njfboa"
- Enter your NJFBOA Username in the "Entry Name" field
- For the location, you can either enter an address in the space provided (full address, city, or zip code are all accepted), or you can choose to manually place the marker on the map. Please list only your primary address (Military address is acceptable as well). We don't need a map full of vacation home locations! :lol:
- Please keep the default red marker color.
- Click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the window.

Don't feel obligated to place the marker at your exact address, but we do ask that you at least keep it in your town.

If you have any questions, feel free to post here and ask or send me a PM.

LS1ow 03-06-2017 10:42 AM

done !

Jersey Mike 03-06-2017 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Anti_Rice_Guy (Post 935395)

Many years ago, we had a version of this map and due to attrition and new members, I wanted to start fresh. The site can appear a little complicated at first as there are many features, but placing a marker on the map is a pretty straightforward process.

How to place a marker on the map:

- Click one of the above links to get to the NJFBOA Map (either works)
- At the top of the map click on the "Additions" tab, and choose "Add Marker - Simple" from the drop down list.
- The key required for you to place a marker is "njfboa"
- Enter your NJFBOA Username in the "Entry Name" field
- For the location, you can either enter an address in the space provided (full address, city, or zip code are all accepted), or you can choose to manually place the marker on the map. Please list only your primary address (Military address is acceptable as well). We don't need a map full of vacation home locations! :lol:
-Please keep the default red marker color.
- Click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the window.

Don't feel obligated to place the marker at your exact address, but we do ask that you at least keep it in your town.

If you have any questions, feel free to post here and ask or send me a PM.

I'm in. I just put my town name.

madness410 03-06-2017 10:51 AM


wretched73 03-06-2017 01:41 PM

Cash me on da map, How bout dah?

//<86TA>\\ 03-06-2017 08:31 PM

I did a thing

redsoxsstink 03-08-2017 11:47 PM


Jersey Mike 03-09-2017 09:16 AM

Idea: This may help with meet planning as well.

noboundreez2345 03-11-2017 10:47 AM


omarcamaro 03-11-2017 06:00 PM


cycomiko 03-11-2017 10:15 PM

done. yikes its lonely down here....lol

dgPltt 03-11-2017 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by cycomiko (Post 935759)
done. yikes its lonely down here....lol

Done too, looks like you closest to me. Hope to see some more people around Philly or south Jersey.

jeff wilson 03-12-2017 09:33 AM

I kinda hit the blue marker, i never did read the directions first

deadtrend1 03-12-2017 11:12 AM


unstable bob gable 03-12-2017 12:21 PM

In like Flintstone

The_Bishop 03-17-2017 01:04 PM


ThoR294 03-17-2017 01:23 PM


qwikz28 03-21-2017 12:39 PM

Added, but put the marker down the road from my home. Nice try, thieves.

Fozzi58 01-16-2018 10:50 PM


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