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Old 02-10-2007, 09:54 PM   #6
NJFBOA Co-Founder
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we will have clarifications on all the safety related rules once things are more solidly placed. for now we need to determine how many people are interested enough for us to persue the idea and how much the experience is worth to them.
if there are only a few interested and they don't wanna spend more than $50 then there isn't much point in following through with the idea.
the safety rules related to the speeds is going to be the hard part to determine. with a 111 trap speed you may be capable of getting into the 150 range. it has a lot to do with gearing and raw HP at that point as wind resistance and the weight of teh vehicle make it progressively harder to add each mph as you head down the course.
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New Jersey F-Body Owners Association
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