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Old 07-17-2009, 04:47 AM   #109
Mongo the Meet Coordinator
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Originally Posted by PBodyGT87 View Post
I think I get what you're trying to say, except that this is the saddest attempt at making an excuse for it to be all F-bodies. Saying it's a charity event not specifically for charity is like saying "This is issue is important to me, But I don't actually really give a **** at all. Because I think if it really mattered to you, you're take a lot more time to plan it, just so you could actually GET 100 f-bodies together, and frankly, more than 100 would be better. But even an event like the F-body nats barely generates 100 f-body participants, if that, and that's planned months in advance. And, if you really cared about money raised, you'd do whatever it takes to get the most donations.

But this is sounding more like a fun cruise with F-Bodies, and the charity part is just an excuse to use with the State and the Police Dept. just to get them to justify shutting down the stretch of road you want to use. Because you know they wouldn't do it for you otherwise.


Granted I do not know what Jay's intentions are deep down, but so far he is the only one doing the hump work to get this organized. Whether or not he is doing it for the "right" way morally or not, is not for debate here. He is trying to set up a fundraiser to help out charity, that is the focus here. The idea is for only F bods to run, same with the Vette runs.

Since he is the only one doing the work here, I would go as far to say that this is kinda his party, so unless you want to help out, don't require him to change things to fit ideas outside of the original intent.

Not trying to come off as an *******, just felt like typing and its way to early for me to be thinking.
Originally Posted by KirkEvil View Post
repo bigals turd gen and part it out to a loving home
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